The 2856 Swarovski Skull Flat back Rhinestones are the newest innovation for the Spring and Summer Crystal Launch. The intricate design these Crystal Skull Flatbacks display, are unique to the Swarovski line and offer new design possibilities for people wanting to wear accessories expressing the popular edgy fashion trend.
It can be difficult to define what exactly an “edgy” style is because it’s not actually just one type of fashion; it embodies the idea of wearing things that are atypical, or wearing something ahead of the curve. The definition on states it as being, among other things, “Daringly Innovative” which is a fabulous way to describe this approach to fashion and fashionable accessories. In this context, people who dare to be bold, to try new designs, and to branch out of their comfort zone, is embracing this ideal. Therefore, this "edgy" fashion trend is a generalized feeling of pushing your own boundaries and expressing your own individual style, in your own individualized way!