You can plan a perfect picnic, but you can't predict the weather!

Posted by Harmony Reilly on 11th Jun 2015

You can plan a perfect picnic...

You can plan a perfect picnic, but you can't predict the weather!
little harmony
(this is me, just a little tyke & already hard at work)
Those of you who follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or subscribe to our newsletter know how excited I was to attend my first trade show at the ever popular Bead & Button Show in Milwaukee as an exhibitor with my wonderful mom, and co-founder of Rainbows of Light.
family wedding
Forget the 80 hour weeks for the past 3 months creating my vision for our display, the sweat equity/excitement (read anxiety) in bringing this to fruition, and the pure diabolical logistics of making this happen- I was most excited just to have this as an excuse to spend so much time with my beautiful, super-positive, always supportive #1 Mom in the Universe!
Alas, a last minute medical scare will prevent this from happening but in Mom's spirit I will soldier on! After all, I inherited her work ethic and she insists and promises to be there in 2016 lest she lose this years promised bonus! ; )
But...It's the journey, not the destination and with that in mind I'm super excited to announce a collaboration with The Crystal Princess.
Breanna has been designing Swarovski themed jewelry for almost 15 years and is at the vanguard of millennial desires and design, especially in regards to wedding bling! There's an added bonus too... she will soon be my sister-in-law!
We CANNOT WAIT to see you at the at  Bead & Button Show  booth #432. Stop by and see us, there will be freebies to boot and sparkles to share!!!
Swarovski_5741-Hear Bead Crystal_Antique_Pink
Sparkles the Spirit!
Looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces in person soon!